The Establish team successfully consented this early learning centre that once constructed will provide space for 65 children. To give this outcome context, in 2016, a different consultant team prepared and lodged a resource consent for another childcare centre in the immediate locality for 70 children.
This consent was notified by the council and subsequently declined at a resource consent hearing. Such stories are the reason why Establish exists today as a specialist development consultancy for the early childhood education sector.
In recent years as many as 1 in 4 childcare centre consents prepared by other companies in Auckland required a notified hearing. We’ve got that down to 1 in 20! This allows our customers to get their centres consented, built and ready to service the community faster.
Until now, there hasn’t been a business that could remove all the complexities and get childcare centre developments off to the best possible start. Our team is very proud of the contribution that we have made to the childcare development sector since our launch and 7 Kinross Street is just another great example.