How we did it

Creators Educational Trust & KN Properties approached our planners with a proposal when they acquired four adjoining residential sites in Chartwell, Hamilton. The proposal sought to establish a new purpose-built early learning centre to cater for 80 children and relocate three of the existing residential houses within the site.

Early on in the process, and during the planning stage, our planners, in discussions with the architect, decided to split the childcare building into two blocks to achieve a lighter activity status under the Hamilton District Plan.

This also had the benefit of narrowing the matters that council could consider in their assessment. While the application did not proceed through council on a non-notified basis, our team of experts were able to prepare and present a solid case at the council hearing that demonstrated to the commissioners that any adverse effects could be avoided, remedied or mitigated.

Consent was subsequently granted and this project went on to win a Best Design award.