Feasibility & Due Diligence

Will your idea work?

Whether you’re building or purchasing your first ECE centre, expanding your brand into new areas or considering optimising your existing centre, you need to know it’s going to work. We provide detailed feasibility solutions to determine the viability of your project.

Financial Feasibility

Based on potential enrolment, development or lease costs and local competition, we’ll assess the financial viability of your centre and make sure the numbers stack up. As well as any consenting, compliance and building costs, we take into consideration ongoing operational costs to ensure your plan is not only feasible but profitable.

Centre Optimisation

If you already own an ECE centre, we’ll help you determine whether the license size could be increased and whether additional service hours could be allowed. Our team is experienced in assessing existing centres and determining whether there are opportunities to gain efficiencies in indoor and outdoor play and parking area. We provide full design and consenting solutions to extend existing centres where opportunities have been found.

New Site Feasibility

Have you found the ideal new site and want to know if it is suitable for a new childcare centre? We can undertake a feasibility assessment to review whether it’s suitable for childcare and what the likely consenting and licensing issues would be. At this stage we can identify the potential licence size of the centre.

As part of this service, we prepare draft plans showing the size of the building, play areas and car parking. This allows you to identify key development matters very early on and gives you the confidence to make informed decisions about the purchase of the site.

Pre-purchase Inspection

Are you looking to purchase an existing childcare centre, childcare business or a property to convert into childcare? We will carry out a thorough inspection of the site and buildings and provide you with a comprehensive written report, complete with photographs of any problem areas to give you assurance that the centre, business or property is of the quality you expect.

Existing Site Feasibility

To find out if you have potential for growth we’ll assess your site to identify the potential licence size, create a draft plan of how it could work and run this through our pre-application arrangements with Council to flag any likely issues before resource consenting.

Competitors Analysis

We identify and assess the existing centres which surround your site in terms of their licence size and ratio split. We also identify consent applications for childcare centres which have been lodged with Council that are processing or not yet built.

Grab our guide to starting a childcare centre

Thinking of starting your own early childhood education centre? Grab our free guide and find out where to begin